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Wiadomości 3/3/2022 [ENG]

8 marca | Joanna Michalska

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Students of Polish philology at the University of Szczecin, in cooperation with the Student Self-Government of the Faculty of Humanities of the US, start free help in learning Polish for people from Ukraine. The action is organized by students together with the School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners of the University of Warsaw and is aimed at refugees from Ukraine who would like to learn the basics of the Polish language. Students willing to participate in this initiative, regardless of the field of study or teaching experience, are invited to contact: with Ms. Alicja Obirek, a second-year Polish philology student via the e-mail address: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. or on Facebook and on funpage of the Student Self-Government of the Faculty of Humanities of the US.


A two-volume book by Karol Piasecki, "Hiperborejczyki or peoples of the Circumboreal", has been published in the scientific publishing house of the University of Szczecin. The publication is divided into two volumes and six parts. The environmental introduction is part one, titled - Natural History. The next part - Mythical Arctic, which was originally supposed to be the axis of the entire project, is devoted to the myth-creating role of the Arctic in the so-called classical and later culture, i.e. European and world culture. The next two sections are at the heart of the work and are devoted to the indigenous peoples of the North. You can find more about this publication on the website of the Scientific Publishing House of the University of Szczecin.

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