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Wiadomości 5/2/2022 [ENG]

14 Luty 2022 | Joanna Michalska

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On March 3, 2022, a scientific seminar will be held, organized by the Institute of Legal Sciences of the University of Szczecin and the West Pomeranian Branch of PSUS (Polish Social Insurance Association). The seminar will concern selected decisions of common courts and the Supreme Court in the field of labor law and social security law. The event will take place through the Microsoft Teams platform. Applications can be sent until March 1, 2022 to the e-mail address Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript..


The Scientific Edition of the University of Szczecin has published a monograph "Mobility and sustainable transport. Searching for solutions". The issues of the monograph are covered in eight chapters. The first three concern general development trends affecting transport needs and processes, the next five present recommendations for solutions leading to more sustainable development of transport and the participation of this important sector in climate neutrality policy. More information about the publication can be found on the website of the Scientific Publishing House of the University of Szczecin.


On March 1, 2022, registration for the free e-learning platform eTutor will begin, enabling free learning of foreign languages for a period of three months. The courses will cover English, German and Spanish at different levels. The offer is addressed to students, doctoral students and all employees of the University of Szczecin. Details and links regarding registration will be provided on March 1 on the website of the usz.edu.pl

More information related to the university can be found on our website www.niusradio.pl

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