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Wiadomości 4/1/2022 [ENG]

17 Stycznia 2022 | Joanna Michalska

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A series of meetings will be held From 20 to 28 January, with the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, dr hab. Katarzyna Kotarska, prof. US. And with Vice-Deans for Student Affairs.

The meetings are aimed at yearlings, student groups and dormitory residents. Will be held on campuses assigned to faculties.

During the meetings, students will be able to ask any questions regarding university affairs, the examination session and share their observations on the functioning of the University.


The third edition of the competition for the Jantar Literary Award, funded by the Marshal of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, is about to start.

The prize is awarded for the best book published last year - without the division into genres, it includes: volumes of prose, poetry, reportages, biographies, essays and the broadly understood humanities of literary value.

The competition is aimed at authors living in and associated with the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. Books can be submitted until March 31, 2022.

More information can be found at ksiaznica.szczecin.pl

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