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Wiadomości 10/01/2024 [ENG]

10 Styczeń 2024 | Joanna Miachalska

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The Ministry of Science and Higher Education announced the results of the competition in the "Regional Excellence Initiative" program. The University of Szczecin obtained funding for both complex projects for a total amount of over PLN 28 million. The winning projects are: „Umocnienie potencjału naukowego na rzecz inteligentnych specjalizacji województwa zachodniopomorskiego” implemented by the Institutes of the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Management, and „Zwiększenie potencjału, jakości oraz umiędzynarodowienia interdyscyplinarnych badań przyrodniczych” implemented at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences and the Institute of Biology. Let us add that the University of Szczecin took part in all program areas allowed in our region and was the only university in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship and one of three in Poland to receive funding in all submitted projects.

"Zobowiązania międzynarodowe Polski i ich implementacja w zakresie problematyki ubezwłasnowolnionych osób z niepełnosprawnościami”- this is the title of Adrianna Szczygieł's master's thesis, supervised by hab. dr prof. Tadeusz Gadkowski. The diploma thesis took second place in the National Competition for the best scientific works on disability "Open Doors". The competition is organized by the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons. The winner is currently a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of the University of Szczecin.

On January 11, 2024, a letter of intent will be signed between the Center for Media Education and Interactivity and the Municipal Police Headquarters in Szczecin. It is about jointly promoting safe behavior, but also implementing preventive projects: designing and conducting training, workshops and other forms of education. Let us remind you that from July 2023 you can listen to the podcast of the Municipal Police Headquarters, co-produced by NiUS Radio, with a lot of information and interesting facts about the specifics of the service in various departments.

More information you can find on our website niusradio.pl

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