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Wiadomości 3/7/2023 [ENG]

20 lipca 2023 | Joanna Michalska

Wysłuchaj wiadomości w języku angielskim


A series of lectures on space has begun at the planetarium of the Marine Science Centre. They are led by MSc. Nikola Bukowiecka, a graduate of the University of Szczecin, awarded the title of Polish Woman of the 21st Century in the category of Innovations and New Technologies. She cooperated with NASA, is a physicist at the Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences and designs astrophysical software at Wolfram. The lectures are free and will last until August 23. Registration is required for them, which can be made at "https://bilety.centrumnauki.eu/.

2. In the updated list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences, most periodicals of the University of Szczecin increased the number of points and thus increased their rank. This is crucial in evaluation procedures. The development of journals proves the constant improvement of science at our University. The Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine was a spectacular success with 140 points.
3. Macrame weaving, telephone filmmaking workshops, advice from the legal brigade and more! From August 3 to 5, during the POL'AND'ROCK FESTIVAL 2023, you will be able to take part in the attractions planned by the Institutes of the University of Szczecin. More information can be found in the event on Facebook and on our website www.niusradio.pl.

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