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Wiadomości 3/4/2023 [ENG]

25 kwietnia 2023 | Joanna Michalska

Wysłuchaj wiadomości w języku angielskim


On April 20, the University Support and Development Team addressed to students of the University of Szczecin was inaugurated. Its activity is based on three pillars: support, development and free time.

The task of the WiR team will be to initiate activities for the benefit of students of the University of Szczecin, as well as to inform about the opportunities already existing at our University. You will learn how to set up a student organization or how to become a volunteer. Great emphasis was placed on intercultural integration and psychological support. In addition, workshops will be organized covering a wide range of topics, enriching the knowledge and skills of the participants. More information on this can be found on the website www.wir.usz.edu.pl


On April 21, an agreement on scientific and didactic patronage was signed in the Rector's Office between the University of Szczecin and the 11th Secondary School with Bilingual Departments in Szczecin. As part of the patronage agreement, the University will provide scientific and didactic care over the school in terms of undertaking and promoting initiatives related to education in the fields of economics and finance, socio-economic geography and spatial management, and management sciences. The University will also enable students and teachers of the 11th High School to participate in selected didactic classes conducted by employees of the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Management of the US.


And finally, good news from our volleyball players. On April 23, the closing ceremony of the Polish Men's Volleyball Championships - Semi-final A took place. Third place was taken by volleyball players from the University of Szczecin. And here it is also worth mentioning an outstanding player. This is the middle Mateusz Kijawa. Of course, we congratulate our athletes and wish them further success.

NiUS Radio

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