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Wiadomości 1/1/2023 [ENG]

10 stycznia 2023 | Joanna Michalska

Wysłuchaj wiadomości w języku angielskim


The Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Szczecin invites all nature enthusiasts to participate in the next edition of the nationwide "Night of Biologists" campaign. This year's motto is "Water - the source of life - the present and the future".

During the event, everyone who takes part in the Night of Biologists will be able to learn many interesting facts about water, or meet the inhabitants of reservoirs and swamps.

During the Night of Biologists, the very important topic of the ecological disaster on the Oder River will also be discussed. The program of the event will also include lectures, e.g. about pairing people up, laughter therapy with a demonstration of several laughter therapy techniques. On this day, there will also be an opportunity to visit modernly equipped laboratories, learn about research techniques used by scientists on a daily basis, as well as to perform experiments and observe interesting phenomena on their own.

The organizers have prepared a total of about 20 classes in the form of workshops, demonstrations, observational and experimental laboratories. It will be possible to self-preparation of microscopic preparations from bacteria or "by hand" determination of the blood group. The event will take place on January 13. Stationary classes will be conducted only for pre-registered people. You can register for classes at nocbiologow.pl


Now about the upcoming 31st WOŚP finale. We invite you to participate in the actions prepared by the Staff of the University of Szczecin. January 14. there will be a cake fair and a charity concert of WOŚP & UszRock - Together against sepsis!

Between 9.30-13.00 at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Szczecin, Students of the US Student Volunteering Circle and the Staff of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity of the University of Szczecin organize a cake fair during the congress of the Szczecin Humanities Senior University.

At 17:00 in the Student Club "Pralnia" (ul. Bohaterów Warszawy 75) there will be a rock charity concert WOŚP & UszRock - Together against sepsis! Heavy sound will appear on the stage, including students and lecturers of the University of Szczecin.


The first competition on local government law is ahead of us. All students of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Szczecin, pursuing the following subjects in a given year: Local Government Law and Local Government Law, are entitled to participate in the Competition.

The organizers provide attractive prizes for students who take the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place respectively.

You can't miss there! The competition will take place on January 19 at 17:00 at the Faculty of Law and Administration in room 217 in the building at ul. Narutowicza 17. More details can be found on the website of the Faculty of Law and Administration.

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