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Wiadomości 7/1/2022 [ENG]

26 Stycznia 2022 | Joanna Michalska

Wysłuchaj audycji


January 24, 2022 recruitment for studies starting from the summer semester has started.

The entries relate to the second degree course, which is protection and engineering of the natural environment. These are three-semester studies, during which students learn, among others:

- the use of appropriate engineering methods and technologies,

- methods of inventorying natural resources,

- analysis of instruments and methods for monitoring the natural environment as well as environmental management and economics.

Recruitment lasts until 02/23/2022 and takes place via the Electronic Registration of Candidates.


The call for applications for the 5th edition of the Academic Legion is underway!

It is a military education program for students of the University of Szczecin, which includes, in a 30-hour block, theoretical classes at the university and practical training - training grounds, during the summer break in the Polish Armed Forces.

The assumption of the implementation of military training is to present theoretical content, going beyond the education program and practical classes in military education units and military units.

Registration is open until February 10 at legiaakademicka.usz.edu.pl


By February 5, 2022, applications may be submitted to participate in the 13th Provincial Foreign Language Competition, organized by the University of Szczecin and the West Pomeranian Teacher Training Center.

The competition is aimed at secondary school students and covers the entire West Pomeranian Voivodeship.

We encourage you to participate in the competition and send your applications along with the relevant documents.

NiUS Radio

Centrum Edukacji Medialnej i Interaktywności
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