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Wiadomości 2/10/2022 [ENG]

5.10.2022 | Joanna Michalska

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The exhibition entitled "This is what a real poet looks like. Letters and collages of Wisława Szymborska to Joanna Kulmowa", was opened in the villa of Lentz. The exhibition contains all correspondence and 70 cards and collages that the poets have exchanged over the years. The grand opening of the exhibition was graced by the reading of letters of writers performed by the Rector of the University of Szczecin, Prof. Waldemar Tarczyński and the Deputy President Lidia Rogaś. The exhibition will last until 10 December and culminates in a finale with the participation of Prof. Michał Rusink, secretary of Wisława Szymborska. You can see the report from the opening on our website www.niusradio.pl

Breaking down barriers - this is another achieved goal in communication with hearing impaired and deaf-mute people studying at the University of Szczecin. From the new academic year, every person using sign language who needs to talk to a university employee has this possibility through the video calling service, installed on tablets intended for this service. Special tablets, thanks to which it will be possible to connect with a sign language interpreter, have been placed in 20 units of the University of Szczecin. The service can be used from Monday to Sunday from 8:00 to 20:00. However, its availability depends on the operating hours of individual offices and university employees. The exact locations of the tablets are available on the www.niusradio.pl

The Faculty of Physical Culture and Health has been nominated for the title of Symbol of Modern Education 2022. This is the twelfth edition of the program. Symbol is a nationwide program aimed at promoting the best, symbolic entities in their industries. The currently developed questionnaire on the quality of education of the Faculty addressed to the competition committee may contribute to obtaining the title in this year's edition of the Symbol 2022 program. The organizers of the program are "Monitor Biznesu" - an independent supplement to "Rzeczpospolita", and "Monitor Rynkowy" - an independent supplement to "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna" and "Puls Biznesu".

On October 10, the first meeting of the Student Volunteering Circle of the University of Szczecin took place, during which an action plan for the new academic year was established, and the outgoing board of the circle reported on the current activities. Last academic year turned out to be very demanding for the circle that organized collections for refugees from Ukraine. The management of the wheel invites you to participate. Volunteers can contact Natalia Świątek, Kacper Szumlewicz or Dr. Barbara Chojnacka. You can also write directly on the Facebook page of the Student Volunteering Circle of the US.

With the beginning of the new academic year, the AZS University Club of the University of Szczecin comes out with an offer of additional sports activities as part of the "Od kanapowca do sportowca" program. The program is addressed not only to students, but also to teaching staff and the local community. Free classes will be held at US facilities until mid-December. Records will be kept on site. Volunteers have a choice of such disciplines as: Aikido, Sports Bridge, Table Tennis or Fitness. In addition, every Thursday at the sports hall at 3c Felczaka Street will be organized recreational activities for US employees, and on Mondays at the sports hall at 64 Mickiewicza Street you will be able to come to roundnet classes.

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