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Wiadomości 1/9/2022 [ENG]

30 września 2022 | Joanna Michalska

Wysłuchaj wiadomości w języku angielskim

1. A new field of study at the University of Szczecin. The joint teaching studies in Polish and German studies are the result of mutual cooperation between Polish and German universities. The Rectorate hosted a meeting of the authorities of the University of Szczecin and representatives of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, inaugurating the studies. The meeting was attended by: Rector of the University of Szczecin, prof. dr hab. Waldemar Tarczyński -, Vice-Rector for Education, US dr hab. Renata Podgórzańska, prof. US, prof. dr hab. Andreas Ohme from the University of Greifswald, Zuzanna Papierz - coordinator on the German side of Polish and German studies, joint teaching studies, which from this year will be conducted jointly by the University of Szczecin and the University of Greifswald and dr hab. Krzysztof Nerlicki, prof. US - Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the US. The lecturers who will conduct classes in this field of study and the accepted candidates were also present. You can find photos and a movie from this event on our website niusradio.pl

2.As every year, the University of Szczecin gives a chance to those who have not been able to get to selected fields of study during the summer. In the coming academic year, there are as many as 68 first-cycle and long-cycle full-time MA programs, 36 full-time second-cycle programs, 19 first-cycle and 11 part-time second-cycle programs. Additional recruitment starts on Monday, September 26, 2022. The number of places is limited, so it is worth hurrying.

3. And now information about the next achievements of the professors of the University of Szczecin. Dr hab. Sławomir Franek, prof. US was elected the president of the Polish Finance and Banking Association, prof. dr hab. Magdalena Zioło became a member of the Audit Committee, and dr hab. Adam Adamczyk, prof. US became a member of the Arbitration Court. The election of the statutory authorities of the Polish Finance and Banking Association took place during the Conference of Finance Departments on September 15-16 this year. in Wroclaw. The organizer of this year's conference was the University of Economics in Wrocław. Last year's edition was held under the banner of Finance 2020-21 - new dilemmas and challenges and was part of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the inauguration of higher economic education in Szczecin.

4. The first botanical mural in Szczecin was created on the wall of the Institute of Biology, which promotes the project "Integrated virtual Herbarium of Pomerania Herbarium Pomeranicum - digitization and access to the collection of herbariums of academic units in Pomerania through their connection and digital access". The contractor for the mural is ColorArt from Będzin, and its final design was made as a result of consultations with the employees of the US Design Department and the US Institute of Biology.

5. Important information at the end. On Friday, September 23 at 3:03 am we will welcome an astronomical and calendar autumn. Its beginning is marked by the phenomenon of the equinoxes. With the beginning of summer, the days began to shorten, and just at the beginning of autumn, they will be equal to the night: we will have exactly 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. In this short period of time, the sun will be directly above the Earth's equator and illuminate both hemispheres with exactly the same intensity.

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